壹週影評 | 八寶網路廣播

2020年2月以踢爆真相揭露事實的臺灣《壹週刊》結束營運,團隊轉赴昔日為調查政府部會同仁爆料所成立的新公司「派特」繼續發揮實力,努力在政治、社會、國際、生活、影視、消費、文化等面向監督與把關。 「派特」是全球第一個、臺灣首創的寵媒,是全雲端寵物媒體關心飼主與寵物需要被協助發聲之事,更是寵你(泛指每一位閱聽眾)的媒體;我們以平面媒體人的專業,從線上開拓新媒體道路。 50多位皆從業超過20年的各類媒體工作者,將融合傳統型廣播、電視、平面及網路等全媒體經驗,開創新時代傳媒的新格局。 另,twasiatimes.com則籌備從線上轉線下發行實體報紙,透過新媒體新聲音讓全民瞭解媒體仍是值得信賴的。 ▼Google Translate▼for ur reference... In February 2020, Taiwan's "Next Magazine", which broke the truth and revealed the facts, ended its operations. The team moved to the past to investigate the new company "Pate" established by colleagues in the government ministry to continue to exert its strength and strive to achieve political, social, and international , Life, film and television, consumption, culture, etc. are oriented to supervision and control. "Pat" is the world's first pet media and the first in Taiwan. It is an all-cloud pet media that cares about pet owners and pets who need to be assisted to speak up. It is also a media that favors you (in general, every reader); The professionalism of the print media people, from the online development of new media. More than 50 various media workers who have been in the industry for more than 20 years will integrate traditional radio, television, print and Internet and other media experience to create a new format for media in the new era. In addition, twasiatimes.com is preparing to switch from online to offline distribution of physical newspapers, and let the people know that the media is still trustworthy through new media and new voices.