#EP28 BUNNY的一天 食物—做蛋 | 八寶網路廣播
只要小寶貝坐得住,爸爸媽媽都可以和小寶貝玩烘焙,烘焙過程中,鼓勵寶貝動手參與,爸爸媽媽們也別擔心寶貝們將環境弄髒弄亂,期待的是能給寶貝嘗試的機會喔! ♥必唱歌單♥ 把麵粉灑下去 小BUNNY笑嘻嘻 把麵粉灑下去 and you stir it all around you do the hokey pokey and you turn around thats what is about all about wow~蛋糕好yummy wow~蛋糕好Yummy Wow~跳Hokey Pokey 蛋糕吃進肚子裡 打一顆蛋進去 小BUNNY笑嘻嘻 打一顆蛋進去 and you stir it all around you do the hokey pokey and you turn around thats what is about all about wow~蛋糕好yummy wow~蛋糕好Yummy Wow~跳Hokey Pokey 蛋糕吃進肚子裡 撒一匙糖進去 小BUNNY笑嘻嘻 撒一匙糖進去 and you stir it all around you do the hokey pokey and you turn around thats what is about all about wow~蛋糕好yummy wow~蛋糕好Yummy Wow~跳Hokey Pokey 蛋糕吃進肚子裡 把草莓丟進去 小BUNNY笑嘻嘻 把草莓丟進去 and you stir it all around you do the hokey pokey and you turn around thats what is about all about wow~蛋糕好yummy wow~蛋糕好Yummy Wow~跳Hokey Pokey 蛋糕吃進肚子裡 ♥每周二更新♥ 我們也會將最新消息不定期更新於Facebook、IG及官網 想聽完整版的冰皇后的萬聖節?還有更多的自創曲嗎 獨享專屬原創音樂故事歌曲(每月至少更新2集) 每月 $199,歡迎訂閱喔 Facebook | 搜尋 BUNNY2親子MusicLab IG | 搜尋 bunny2_bunny2 官網 |https://www.bunny2bunny2.com/ 喜歡我們的~歡迎你們帶小朋友來找我們唷 也歡迎各單位的邀約,請洽 Lan09180127@hotmail.com 或FB私訊我們 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clu23kah0140d01vnh1fgbk1f 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clu23kah0140d01vnh1fgbk1f/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting